AoC Benchmarks

aoc2021-day03b Common Lisp/SBCL #2 program

source code

;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Massimo Zaniboni <>

;; WARNING: I'm learning CL

(ql:quickload :trivia)     ;; common macro and functions and optimal pattern matching
(ql:quickload :alexandria) ;; common CL extensions
(ql:quickload :trivial-types)  ;; common types
(ql:quickload :defstar)    ;; add type annotations
(ql:quickload :str)        ;; Common string manipulation functions
(ql:quickload :parse-float)
(ql:quickload :iterate)
(ql:quickload :let-plus)          ;; extend "let"
(ql:quickload :array-operations)  ;; rich management of arrays
(ql:quickload :cffi)
(ql:quickload :bit-smasher)

(defpackage :main
  (:import-from :alexandria)
  (:import-from :trivial-types :proper-list :tuple)
  (:use :cl :defstar :trivia :parse-float :iterate :let-plus :cffi)
  (:export main))

(in-package :main)

(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))

(declaim (type fixnum +read-buff-size+))
(defconstant +read-buff-size+ (ash 1 16))

(declaim (type fixnum +initial-bits+))
(defconstant +initial-bits+ 26)

(deftype ubyte8 () '(unsigned-byte 8))

; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Import Judy arrays data structure from C to CL

(define-foreign-library libJudy
  (:unix "")
  (t (:default "libJudy")))

(use-foreign-library libJudy)

(defctype judy-tree! (:pointer :pointer))

(defctype judy-tree :pointer)

(defctype judy-value! (:pointer :long))

(defcfun "JudyLIns" judy-value! (tree judy-tree!) (index :long) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "JudyLCount" :unsigned-int (tree judy-tree) (index1 :long) (index2 :long) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "JudyLFirst" :pointer (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "JudyLLast" :pointer (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "JudyLPrev" :pointer (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "JudyLNext" :pointer (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "Judy1Set" :int (tree judy-tree!) (index :long) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "Judy1First" :int (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "Judy1Last" :int (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "Judy1Count" :unsigned-int (tree judy-tree) (index1 :long) (index2 :long) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "Judy1Prev" :int (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "Judy1Next" :int (tree judy-tree) (index! judy-value!) (error :pointer))

(defcfun "Judy1Test" :int (tree judy-tree) (index :long) (error :pointer))

(defmacro judy-l-ins (tree! index)
  `(foreign-funcall "JudyLIns" judy-tree! ,tree! :long ,index :pointer ,(null-pointer) :pointer))

(defmacro judy-l-ins! (tree! index value)
  `(setf (mem-ref ,(judy-l-ins tree! index) :long) ,value))

(defmacro judy-l-first (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "JudyLFirst" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :pointer))

(defmacro judy-l-next (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "JudyLNext" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :pointer))

(defmacro judy-l-prev (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "JudyLPrev" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :pointer))

(defmacro judy-l-last (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "JudyLLast" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :pointer))

(defmacro judy-1-set! (tree! index)
  `(foreign-funcall "Judy1Set" judy-tree! ,tree! :long ,index :pointer ,(null-pointer) :int))

(defmacro judy-1-first (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "Judy1First" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :int))

(defmacro judy-1-last (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "Judy1Last" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :int))

(defmacro judy-1-next (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "Judy1Next" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :int))

(defmacro judy-1-prev (tree index!)
  `(foreign-funcall "Judy1Prev" judy-tree ,tree judy-value! ,index! :pointer ,(null-pointer) :int))

(defmacro judy-1-test (tree index)
  `(foreign-funcall "Judy1Test" judy-tree ,tree :long ,index :pointer ,(null-pointer) :int))

(defmacro judy-1-count (tree index1 index2)
               judy-tree ,tree
               :long ,index1
               :long ,index2
               :pointer ,(null-pointer)

(defmacro judy-l-count (tree index1 index2)
               judy-tree ,tree
               :long ,index1
               :long ,index2
               :pointer ,(null-pointer)

; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Day 03b

; NOTE: use less bit than 64 bit for avoiding negative sign problems
(defparameter +group-by+ 62)

(defun file->judy-tree (s)
  "Store the numbers as ordered index of a (compressed) Judy array."
  (iter   (with root-tree! = (foreign-alloc :pointer :initial-element (null-pointer)))
          (for line in-stream s using #'read-line)
          (for bits# first (length line) then bits#)
          (for pass# first (ceiling bits# +group-by+) then pass#)
             ; Decompose the long line in chunks of +group-by+ bit and store them in nested judy-trees.
             ; The last JudyTree of the sequence is a Judy1 set.
             ; NOTE:
             ; * each tree is a pointer pointing to the new root of the tree, after the insertion of the indeex
             ; * each slot is a placeholder where putting the value associated to the index, but its change does not afect the root of the tree
               (with slot! = root-tree!)
               (for line-start from 0 below bits# by +group-by+)
               (for pass from 0 below pass#)
               (for last-pass? = (= pass (- pass# 1)))
               (for pass-bits# = (if last-pass? (mod bits# +group-by+) +group-by+))
               (for line-end = (+ line-start pass-bits#))
               (for v = (parse-integer line :start line-start :end line-end :radix 2))
                 (if last-pass?
                     (judy-1-set! slot! v)
                     (setf slot! (judy-l-ins slot! v)))))
               (finally (return nil)))

          (finally (return (values (mem-ref root-tree! :pointer) pass# bits#)))))

(defun judy-tree-rating-pass (tree bits# last-pass? follow-max?)
  "Count for every bit the upper and lower elements inside the Judy array, until a unique element is found."
     (with result = (make-sequence '(vector bit) bits# :initial-element 0))
     (with index1 = (foreign-alloc :long :initial-element 0))
     (with index2 = (foreign-alloc :long :initial-element -1))
     (with index! =  (foreign-alloc :long :initial-element 0))
     (with n = (if last-pass?
                   (judy-1-count tree (mem-ref index1 :long) (mem-ref index2 :long))
                   (judy-l-count tree (mem-ref index1 :long) (mem-ref index2 :long))))

     (for i from 0 below bits#)
        ; search for next bit
        (setf (sbit result i) 1)
        (setf (mem-ref index! :long) (bit-smasher:bits->int result))

        (if last-pass?
            (judy-1-first tree index!)
            (judy-l-first tree index!))

        (let* ((n1 (if last-pass?
                       (judy-1-count tree (mem-ref index! :long) (mem-ref index2 :long))
                       (judy-l-count tree (mem-ref index! :long) (mem-ref index2 :long))))
               (n0 (- n n1))
               (empty-1bit? (zerop n1))
               (empty-0bit? (zerop n0))
               (take-1bit?  (if follow-max?
                                (and (not empty-1bit?) (>= n1 n0))
                                (and (not empty-1bit?) (< n1 n0)))))

             ((and empty-1bit? empty-0bit?)
                (leave (mem-ref index! :long)))

                (setf (mem-ref index1 :long) (mem-ref index! :long))
                (setf n n1))
                ; ASSERT if it is greather than n1, then n0 > 0
                (setf (sbit result i) 0)
                (if last-pass?
                    (judy-1-prev tree index!)
                    (judy-l-prev tree index!))
                (setf (mem-ref index2 :long) (mem-ref index! :long))
                (setf n n0)))))
      (finally (return (bit-smasher:bits->int result)))))

(defun judy-tree-rating (tree pass# bits# follow-max?)
  "Apply judy-tree-rating-pass to each nested index of the array. Needed when indexes are wider than +group-by+"
     (with curr-index = (foreign-alloc :long :initial-element 0))
     (with curr-tree = tree)
     (with (the bignum result) = 0)
     (for pass from 0 below pass#)
     (for last-pass-bits# first (mod bits# +group-by+) then last-pass-bits#)
     (for last-pass? = (= pass (- pass# 1)))
     (for pass-bits# = (if last-pass? last-pass-bits# +group-by+))
     (for shift-result = (cond
                           (last-pass? 0)
                           ((= pass 0) last-pass-bits#)
                           (t +group-by+)))
        (let* ((index (judy-tree-rating-pass curr-tree pass-bits# last-pass? follow-max?)))
          (unless last-pass?
                  (setf (mem-ref curr-index :long) index)
                  (setf curr-tree (mem-ref (judy-l-first curr-tree curr-index) :pointer)))

          (setf result (+ result (ash index shift-result)))))
     (finally (return result))))

(defun day3b2 (s)
    (let+ (((&values tree pass# bits#) (file->judy-tree s))
           (oxygen (judy-tree-rating tree pass# bits# t))
           (co2 (judy-tree-rating tree pass# bits# nil)))
      (values (* oxygen co2) oxygen co2)))

(defun main () (format t "~a~%" (day3b2 *standard-input*)))

(day3b2 #P"data/day-3-test.txt")
 ; => 230, 23, 10

(day3b2 #P"data/day-3.txt")
 ; => 4105235, 2735, 1501

(day3b2 #P"/home/zanibonim/tmp/advent-of-code/datasets-01/aoc2021_day3b/aoc2021-day3b-input1000.txt")
 ; => 4105235, 2735, 1501

(day3b2 #P"/home/zanibonim/tmp/advent-of-code/datasets-01/aoc2021_day3a/aoc2021-day3a-input100000.txt")
 ; => 356913958942791247617705918285570893096041618195840162127310, 461087838160523256683085674642, 774069340815133614804932891055

;    1000001 lines each with a 100 bit number
;    Download (14MiB compressed / 97MiB decompressed)
;    Part 1: 386463119445733053722557199393548794069517420395751036911156
;    Part 2: 356913958942791247617705918285570893096041618195840162127310

notes, command-line, and program output


Mon, 24 Jan 2022 01:07:50 GMT

sbcl --disable-debugger --load "aoc2021_day03b.lisp-2.lisp" --eval "(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die \"app_lisp\" :executable t  :toplevel #'main:main)"
This is SBCL 2.1.11, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information about SBCL is available at <>.

SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
BSD-style licenses.  See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
distribution for more information.
To load "trivia":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "trivia"

To load "alexandria":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "alexandria"

To load "trivial-types":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "trivial-types"

To load "defstar":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "defstar"

To load "str":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "str"
To load "parse-float":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "parse-float"

To load "iterate":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "iterate"

To load "let-plus":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "let-plus"

To load "array-operations":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "array-operations"

To load "cffi":
  Load 3 ASDF systems:
    alexandria asdf uiop
  Install 3 Quicklisp releases:
    babel cffi trivial-features
; Fetching #<URL "">
; 11.11KB
11,377 bytes in 0.00 seconds (0.00KB/sec)
; Fetching #<URL "">
; 266.93KB
273,336 bytes in 0.15 seconds (1756.08KB/sec)
; Fetching #<URL "">
; 255.97KB
262,118 bytes in 0.12 seconds (2064.29KB/sec)
; Loading "cffi"
[package babel-encodings].........................
[package babel]...................................
[package cffi-sys]................................
[package cffi]....................................
[package cffi-features]
To load "bit-smasher":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
  Install 3 Quicklisp releases:
    bit-smasher cl-base58 cl-base64
; Fetching #<URL "">
; 10.13KB
10,373 bytes in 0.00 seconds (0.00KB/sec)
; Fetching #<URL "">
; 2.27KB
2,327 bytes in 0.00 seconds (0.00KB/sec)
; Fetching #<URL "">
; 8.58KB
8,790 bytes in 0.00 seconds (0.00KB/sec)
; Loading "bit-smasher"
[package base58]..................................
[package cl-base64]...............................
[package bit-smasher].............
[undoing binding stack and other enclosing state... done]
[performing final GC... done]
[defragmenting immobile space... (fin,inst,fdefn,code,sym)=1297+1050+20566+21320+26155... done]
[saving current Lisp image into app_lisp:
writing 0 bytes from the read-only space at 0x50000000
writing 736 bytes from the static space at 0x50100000
writing 52477952 bytes from the dynamic space at 0x1000000000
writing 2125824 bytes from the immobile space at 0x50200000
writing 13963264 bytes from the immobile space at 0x52a00000

9.30s to complete and log all make actions

./app_lisp 0 < aoc2021_day03b-input100000.txt